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夏庆杰(Qingjie Xia)

经济学博士 (PhD in Economics, Bath University, England)

教授 (Professor in Economics),博导


经济学系 (Department of Economics)


北京大学经济学院(School of Economics, Peking University)




Director of CHEDS (Center for Human and Economic Development Studies at Peking University)


Pulications: http://ideas.repec.org/e/pxi53.html

电话:0086 10 62758835, 传真:0086 10 62751460



研究方向(Fields of Academic Research)


应用计量经济学 (Applied Econometrics)


收入分配及贫困问题研究 (Income Inequality and Poverty Measurement)


微观经济学 (Microeconomics)


劳动力经济学 (Empirical Labour Economics)




高级微观经济学 II (Advanced Microeconomics II)




应用微观计量方法(Applied Microeconometric Method)


西方经济学前沿 (Frontier of Western Economics)


博弈论(Game Theory)


时间序列分析 (Times Series Analysis)


教育背景 (Education Background)


2003.08-2004.05:英国诺丁汉大学博士后研究员 (Full-time Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham, UK)


1997.12-2003.05:英国巴斯大学经济学博士 (PhD in Economics, Bath University, UK)




1987.09-1990.07:中国人民大学经济学硕士 (MA in International Economics, Renmin University of China)


1983.09-1987.07:中国人民大学经济学学士 (BA in Economics, Renmin University of China)


工作经历(Work Experiences)


2004.06-至今: 北京大学经济学院经济学系任教 (School of Economics, Peking University)


2003.08-2004.05:英国诺丁汉大学博士后研究员 (Full-time Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham, UK)


2000.08-2003.06:英国诺丁汉大学研究助理和助教 (Full-time Research Assistant and Part-time Teaching Assistant at the University of Nottingham, UK)


1996.10-1997.05:英国 Salford University 访问学者 (Academic Visitor at Salford University, UK)


1990.07-1997.11:中国人民大学国际经济系任教 (Full-time tenured academic staff member at Department of International Economics, Renmin University of China)


学术论文及著作(Academic Publications)


1.学术期刊论文(Academic Journal Articles)




夏庆杰、李实、L. Song、S. APPLETON(2012), 国有单位工资结构及其就业规模变化的收入分配效应:1988-2007。《经济研究》2012年第6期(第47卷总第533期),第127-142页。 


夏庆杰,L. Song, S. Appleton (2012), 什么原因导致中国工资收入差距扩大?来自反事实参数分解分析的证据。《社会科学战线》,第199期,第60-70页。 


夏庆杰、张春晓、刘振楠 (2012),乌江水电开发对区域经济发展的影响。《经济与管理评论》,总第173期(2012年第6期),第138-142页。 


Qingjie Xia, L. Song, S. Appleton (2011), Economic Growth and Anti-Poverty in Rural China. China Economist, 6(2): 52-63. (China Economist is an AEA Econlit Journal, EBSCO's Academic Source Premier journal).


夏庆杰、L. Song、S. Appleton (2010),经济转型期间中国农村贫困及收入决定因素的变化,《社会科学战线》2010年第7期(总第181期),第42-56页。


夏庆杰、L. Song、S. Appleton (2010),经济增长与农村反贫困,《经济学季刊》第9卷第3期,第851-870页。 


Appleton, S., L. Song & Qingjie Xia (2010). Growing out of Poverty: Trends and Patterns of Urban Poverty in China 1988-2002. World Development, 38(5): 665-678.  


夏庆杰、L. Song, S. Appleton (2010),国企改革与工资支付结构变革的面板数据分析,《统计研究》,Vol.27(3): 12-21。(被中国人民大学复印报刊资料《劳动经济与劳动关系》转载,2010年第5期,第29-40页)。 


夏庆杰、L. Song、S. Appleton (2009),经济转型期间城镇工资支付结构的变迁,《中国人口科学》2009年第6期,第59-68页。(被《新华文摘》转载,2010年第5期(总第449期)第51-55页)。


夏庆杰、L. Song、J. Knight、S. Appleton (2009),20世纪90年代中国国有企业改革对城镇劳动力市场的影响,《世界经济》2009年第4期,第50-68页。


Appleton, S., J. Knight, L. Song & Qingjie Xia (2009). The Economics of Communist Party Membership: The Curious Case of Rising Numbers and Wage Premium during China's Transition, Journal of Development Studies, 45(2): 256-275.


夏庆杰,Simmons, C. (2007). 农村劳动力从业多元化及收入非农化,《中国劳动经济学》,第4卷第2期。


夏庆杰, Song, L., Appleton, S. (2007), 中国城镇贫困的变化趋势和模式:1988-2002,《经济研究》,第42卷(2007年)第九期,第96-111页。(该论文在中国社会科学院经济学部 主办的“2009年中国青年经济学者论文评选”活动中,被评选为77篇优秀论文之一;也获得北京大学第十一届人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖一等奖)。


Appleton, S., L. Song & Qingjie Xia (2005). Has China Crossed the River? The Evolution of Wage Structure in Urban China during Reform and Retrenchment. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS, 33(4): 644-663.


Xia Qingjie & C. Simmons (2005). Estimating Rural Labour Participation and Supply in the Chinese Countryside: A Case Study of Liaoning Province. ICFAI JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS, IV (3): 27-49.


Xia Qingjie & C. Simmons (2004). Diversify and Prosper: Peasant Households Participating in Emerging Markets in Northeast Rural China. CHINA ECONOMIC REVIEW, 15(4): 375-387.


Appleton, S., J. Knight, L. Song & Qingjie Xia (2004). Contrasting Paradigms: Segmentation and Competitiveness in the Formation of the Chinese Labour Market. JOURNAL OF CHINESE ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 2(3): 195-205.


Xia Qingjie & C. Simmons (2004). The Determinants of Labour-Time Allocation between Farm and Off-Farm Work in Rural China: A Case Study of Liaoning Province. JOURNAL OF CHINESE ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS STUDIES, 2(2): 169-184.


Appleton, S., J. Knight, L. Song & Qingjie Xia (2002). Causes et conséquences des réductions d'effectifs dans les entreprises publiques en Chine. Revue d Economie du Developpement, 16 (3-4): 159-189.


Appleton, S., J. Knight, L. Song & Qingjie Xia (2002). Urban Retrenchment in China: Determinants and Consequences, CHINA ECONOMIC REVIEW, 13(2/3): 252-275.








2.书评(Book Reviews)










杜厚文、夏庆杰 等著(1997),《世界经济一体化集团化研究》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1997年6月第1版。(该书系国家教育部社科研究基金“八五”资助课题)。




4.学术著作中的章节(Book Chapters)


夏庆杰, L. Song, J. Knight, S. Appleton(2009),国企裁员与劳动力市场分割的截面和面板数据分析,《经世济民:北京大学经济学院纪念改革开放30周年学术研讨会论文集》,北京:中国发展出版社,2009年8月。


Simon Appleton, John Knight, Lina Song and Qingjie Xia (February 2006), "Contrasting paradigms: segmentation and competitiveness in the formation of the Chinese labour market" in Li Shi and Hiroshi Sato (ed.) Unemployment, Inequality and Poverty in Urban China, London and New York: Routledge Curzon, ISBN: 0415338727.


Simon Appleton, John Knight, Lina Song and Qingjie Xia (February 2006), "Labour Retrenchment in China: Determinants and Consequences" in Li Shi and Hiroshi Sato (ed.) Unemployment, Inequality and Poverty in Urban China, London and New York: Routledge Curzon, ISBN: 0415338727.


Simon Appleton, John Knight, Lina Song and Qingjie Xia (July 2004). “中国裁员的决定因素及后果”,李实教授和佐藤宏教授(日本)主编的《经济转型的代价》一书中的一章,中国财政经济出版社。








研究基金和研究项目(Research Grants)


















编辑与审稿(Editing and Refereeing)


牛津大学出版社,亚洲开发银行,《中国社会科学》,《经济研究》,《经济学季刊》,《统计研究》,"Oxford Economic Papers", "Journal of Comparative Economics", "Journal of Development Studies", "World Development", "Southern Economic Journal","Social Science Research", "Frontier of Economics in China" ,"Journal of Population Economics", "Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies", "CHINA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL" 匿名审稿人。


项目咨询(Outside Consulting)


Consulting for Asia Development Bank's Project of China and India Development Experience Studies (2008). 




荣誉与奖励(Honours and Awards)












1998.10-2000.09: 英国政府海外博士研究生奖学金 (British Government's Overseas Research Studentship)。 


1997.10-2000.09: 英国巴斯大学博士研究生奖学金 (Bath University Research Studentship, UK)。 


1996.05: 中国人民大学吴大琨优秀教学奖(Wu Dakun Teaching Awards, Renmin University of China)。 


组织召开学术会议(Academic Conferences Organised)








参加学术会议(Conferences Attended)


Invited Speaker at "Sub-regional Workshop on Millennium Development Goals and the Post 2015 Development Agenda for Central and East Asia" 26-28 September 2012, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Give a talk on "Views on MDGs and SDGs".




 应邀参加于2012年6月25-26日由中国社会科学院国际学部在北京举办的“走向东亚新发展模式”的国际研讨会(International Conference on Moving Toward a New Development Model for East Asia),就关于印度尼西亚发展模式的发言进行了专题评论。 




Invited Discussant at the ADBI Workshop "Chapter Finalization Workshop on ADBI/ADB’s Study on Role of Key Emerging Economies – Asean, PRC, and India – for a Balanced, Sustainable, and Resilient Asia" held at Manila ADB Headquarter, Philippines, 15-16 November 2011. Discussing on “Enhancing Quality of Life and Social Inclusion”by Dr Juzhong Zhuang, the assistant Chief Economist at ADB. 


Invited Speaker at the 3rd CIER/IZA Workshop: Current Labour Market Issues in China at Renmin University of China, Beijing, 17-18 September 2011. Paper presented: “the effect of Sate-Sector on urban income inequality: 1988-2007”.  


Invited Speaker at the 2011 Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) 2011 Conference to be held in The Hague (the Netherlands) on 5-8 September 2011. Paper presented: “the effect of Sate-Sector on urban income inequality: 1988-2007”.  


Invited discussant at the ADBI-ADB-CASS Technical Workshop on “Role of Key Emerging Economies—ASEAN, PRC, and India—for a Balanced, Sustainable, and Resilient Asia”, Beijing, PRC, 30-31 May, 2011, discussed “Demographics, Labour Mobility, and Productivity” by Ed Wilson, Kankesu Jayanthakumaran and Reetu Verma, School of Economics, University of Wollongong, Austrialia. 


2010年10月16日在北京大学经济学院举行的2010中国公共财政论坛“城市化进程中的公共财政”应邀评论人,评论题目:Harry Clarke 教授的论文 “How to solve Beijing’s traffic congestion woes”。


2010年9月17日在北京大学与牛津大学主办的“中国与世界:危机、调整、共创繁荣”国际研讨会上宣讲论文:What causes the widening-up of wage gaps?


2010年9月16日人民大学与芝加哥大学北京中心举办的“International Symposium on Family and Labour Economics”应邀为李实教授的论文“Change in Gender Wage Gap in Urban China during 1995-2007”做评论。


2008年12月30日在北京大学经济学院举行的题为“回顾、反思、展望” 纪念改革开放30年学术研讨会上,宣讲论文“经济改革与农村反贫困”。


Invited discussant at the 2008 Asia-Pacific Economic Association (APEA) Fourth Annual Conference held at Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China, 13-14 December 2008. Topic discussed: Immigration Conflicts.


Invited discussant at the workshop of “STUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE OF CHINA AND INDIA”organized by Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS) at Peking University and held at Peking University (27 February, 2008). Topic discussed: The Evolution of Manufacturing Sector in China since 1978: Implications for India.


Invited discussant at the workshop of “VALUES AND MULTIDIMENSIONAL POVERTY” organized by Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative (OPHI), Dept of International Development (Queen Elizabeth House) at University of Oxford and held at University of Oxford (29 MAY – 1 JUNE, 2007). Topic discussed: Missing Dimensions of Human Development.


Invited discussant at the Economics Section of the 2006 BEIJING FORUM of Peking University on Toward a Harmonious Urban-Rural Relationship held at Peking University (Beijing, China) (October 27-29, 2006). Topic discussed: Topic: Migrant Workers and Farm Households’ Wellbeing.


Invited speaker at the 2006 CES International Conference on Governing Rapid Growth in China: Efficiency, Equity and Institutions (Chinese Economists Society 2006 Annual Conference) held at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (Shanghai, China) (July 2-4, 2006). Paper presented: Growth and Transition Components of Changes in China’s Urban Poverty: 1988-2002.


Invited speaker at the Economics Section of the 2005 BEIJING FORUM of Peking University on Globalization and the East Asian Manufacturing Sector held at Peking University (Beijing, China) (November 16-18, 2005). Paper presented: The Change of Urban Poverty of China under Industrialization and Growth: 1988-2002.


Invited speaker at the 2005 CES International Conference on Sustainable Economic Growth in China (Chinese Economists Society 2005 Annual Conference) held at Chongqing University (Chongqing City, China) (June 24-26, 2005). Paper presented: Estimating Female Labour Participation and Supply in Rural China: A Case Study of Liaoning Province.


Invited speaker at Workshop on Urban Poverty and Unemployment in China Organized by the Department of Economics, the University of Oxford (August 22-23, 2001). Paper presented: Urban Retrenchment in China: Determinants and Consequences.


Invited speaker at CEPR/ESRC Transition Economics and Chinese Economy Conference, the Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 24/25 August 2000. Paper Presented: The Chinese Rural Labour’s Choice of Occupations.


Invited speaker at the Third Summer School in Labour Economics, Institute of Labour Studies, the University of Bonn, Germany, May 29th - June 4th 2000. Paper Presented: How the Chinese Rural Workers Choose their Occupations: A Case Study of Nine Villages in the Northeast China.


Invited speaker at the Workshop on “Public Policy and Globalization” held at the University of Toronto, Canada, May 10-21 1999. Paper presented: Rural Enterprises Participating in International Trade: A Case Study of Northeast Rural China.


Invited speaker at “Income Distribution and the Labour Market in China” workshop organised by the Institute of Economics and Statistics, Oxford University, April 13th and 14th, 1999. Paper presented: Productivity of the Chinese Rural Households’ Farming and Non-farm Activities: A Case Study of Nine Villages in Northeast China.